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Observation details


Estuary Erskine River Estuary
Site Erskine River Estuary Mouth Observation Site
Observation ID #12407
Date and Time Thursday 20th September 2018 11:50am
Approved Approved


Deidre.   I don't know why I have never noticed this before but I see that though I change the date on all the photos to the day/time when photo is taken it seems to revert to the date/time when photos were uploaded into the portal in the view window.  This also applies to the data sheet uploaded.   Tho on the portal the date is correct.  Then when I go into Edit to change things the dates look correct.


Is their an explanation for this?

Mouth Observation

Mouth state Open
Flow Present? Yes
Flow Direction Out
Above Sea Above Estuary
Berm Height (m)
Berm Length (m)

Physical Condition

Current Mode
Wind Direction South-East
Beaufort Scale Light Breeze
Sea State Smooth

Water Levels and Tides

Water Level Start Finish
Height (m) 0.87m 0.87m
Time (hh:mm) 11:50 12:30
Tidal influence No
Tidal Range Time Height
High 07:22 1.340
Low 12:25 0.740

Observation Documents

Link Date File name Description
20-09-2018 12:00 EP1_20180920_1_351.JPG ep1_1
20-09-2018 12:00 EP1_20180920_2_31.JPG ep1_2
20-09-2018 12:00 EP2_20180920_1_61.JPG ep2_1
20-09-2018 12:00 EP2_20180920_2_101.JPG ep2_2
20-09-2018 12:00 EP4_20180920_1_41.JPG ep4_1
20-09-2018 12:00 EP4_20180920_2_81.JPG ep4_2
20-09-2018 12:00 EP4_20180920_3_121.JPG ep4_3
20-09-2018 12:00 EP4_20180920_4_161.JPG ep4_4
Download 20-09-2018 12:00 Erskine_Estuary_20180920.pdf