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Observation details


Estuary Wreck Creek
Site Wreck Creek Mouth Condition Site
Observation ID #13525
Date and Time Monday 20th January 2020 08:10am
Approved Approved


Given the location of the water within Wreck Creek, a clear line of sight with the horizon was not possible. Given this the estimated berm height was around 85cm.

Mouth Observation

Mouth state Closed
Flow Present? No
Flow Direction N/A
Above Sea Above Estuary
Berm Height (m) 0.0m
Berm Length (m)

Physical Condition

Current Mode
Wind Direction East
Beaufort Scale Moderate breeze
Sea State Slight

Water Levels and Tides

Water Level Start Finish
Height (m) 1.40m
Time (hh:mm) 08:22
Tidal influence No
Tidal Range Time Height
High 07:35 1.480
Low 13:53 0.270

Observation Documents

Link Date File name Description
20-01-2020 08:15 Wrp1_20200121_1_131.jpeg.jpg wrp1_1
20-01-2020 08:15 Wrp1_20200121_2_171.jpeg.jpg wrp1_2
20-01-2020 08:15 Wrp1_20200121_3_211.jpeg.jpg wrp1_3
20-01-2020 08:15 Wrp1_20200121_4_251.jpeg.jpg wrp1_4